The Whimsy Museum ® & Lee Family Gardens
Will Reopen Saturday, November, 30 2024!!!
& then remain Open, Thursday, Friday, And Saturday From 1-4 PM
Through May 24, 2025
Frequently asked questions
Why does the Museum ask visitors not to touch the art?
Works of art are fragile and can be damaged by even the slightest touch. The oils in our skin and the moisture on our fingers can harm works of art. Please help us preserve the objects in our collection for visitors to enjoy for generations to come. Can I schedule a wedding, reception, or other event? Not at this time
Can I put my art on your walls and sell my artwork?
No, this is a museum not a gallery or a co-op. The artwork is not for sale.
Who owns the artwork?
The Marietta Museum of Art & Whimsy owns about 98% of the art. Approximately 2% is on loan from Founder.
How do you decide what to buy?
The buying process is slightly complicated with many questions. Since most of this artwork is purchased directly from the artist, the source or origin is known. Then, most important question is "Does it fit well within the current museum collection?" "Does it give museum staff something positive to teach about the resiliency of human nature?" "Can we laugh or chuckle about it because it is universal as opposed to artwork that makes fun of particular group or groups of people?" "Will this artwork encourage people to come together or will it foster hatred and anger?" "Does this have the capacity to put a smile on your face? "Will this still be important 50 years from now?"
We appreciate your generosity in wanting to donate artwork. However, the source becomes very important and sometimes difficult to prove.